Thursday 12 July 2012

$$H.R. 3962 - Health Care Act to Low Price for U.S$$

The Administration strongly supports the adoption by the House of Representatives of HR 3962, Bill Health Care Affordable for America (Affordable Health Care for America Act), a proposal that represents a crucial milestone in the effort to reform our health care system. The H.R. 3962 reforms made necessary insurance for Americans who have it, expand coverage to those without, will reduce the costs of households and businesses, and begin to reduce the country's deficit. Meets the criteria of the President for Health Insurance Reform: make sure all Americans have access to quality health care and low price, available when needed, without adding a dime to the deficit.

This measure is the result of unprecedented cooperation and countless hours of work by members of the House of Representatives who share the conviction of the President that the country can not wait another year for health insurance reform. They have forged a strong consensus that represents a historic breakthrough.

The measurement of the House of Representatives includes critical reforms in the insurance sector, so that Americans no longer have to worry about being denied coverage, or cancel or limit when they most need. It covers virtually all Americans and ensure that all those with health insurance are protected against high costs themselves. The Administration is pleased that the bill includes a public health insurance option offered by a specialized market. As the President has said throughout this process, a public option to compete with private insurers is one of the best ways to ensure choice and competition that are much needed in today's market.

The bill the House also includes important reforms to the health care system and extend the solvency of the trust of Medicare hospital insurance. The action on Medicare and Medicaid promote primary care, comprehensive and quality. Invest in research into more effective treatments and the health workforce. It also makes critical improvements for Medicare beneficiaries, including ending the coverage gap in Medicare drug benefit, known as the donut hole. It also grants new options for long-term care. Moreover, the proposal of the House of Representatives is fully paid and will help reduce long-term deficit.

This bill contains the necessary health reforms that the Administration wants: quality care and low price within reach of tens of millions of Americans currently uninsured, and stability and security for hundreds of millions who have it. The Executive appreciates the hard work of the House of Representatives on this measure, which helps to transform the health care system. The Administration is eager to continue working with Congress on this legislation and encourages him to take an early decision on this historic bill.

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