Monday 17 September 2012

Muscle Gaining Secrets Review - Best Way To Build Muscle Fast

Muscle Gaining Secrets is for people who want to build muscle but just don’t have any idea why they can’t no matter how hard they try! It is for people who spend lots of time at the gym pushing metal but just don’t have the body to show for it. Thus, if you are one of these people, then you should read this review to find out how you can benefit from reading Muscle Gaining Secrets. In short, this review of the book is for a hard-gainer.

Muscle Gaining Secrets Review: What is a hardgainer?
Basically, a hardgainer is a person who is born skinny. He does not have the genes for building muscle and generally has a difficult time gaining weight. Though this would not be considered a problem by most, it is a problem for the people concerned if they really want to appear larger and develop more muscle gaining secrets review than they already have. As expected, hardgainers feel insecure about their slight frames and feel unconfident around their more full-bodied contemporaries. These people know that the only way they can boost their confidence is if they succeed in muscle gain exercises.
What is Muscle Gaining Secrets?
The e-book contains a comprehensive mass building program aimed at helping thin guys. The program includes muscle gaining workouts, diets, and lifestyle evaluation to ensure that muscle building is done in a holistic level and not merely building up muscle mass.
The book provides three programs with varying degrees of difficulty. Hence, you get the option to choose the level to start at. You won’t have to worry over the next step to take as everything is mapped out for you. The basic things that you need are dumbbells and barbells, as the workouts require them. Definitely don’t need to join a gym to do the workout.

Who is the author of the e-book?
So, who wrote Muscle Gaining Secrets? The bible of hardgainers is the creation of Jason Ferrugia, a strength and conditioning specialist. Additionally, he is the Chief Training Adviser of Men’s Fitness Magazine. If you are an avid listener of the radio, then you might have heard him over ESPN or CBS or have seen him on ABC and Fox. These credentials make him an authority in the field and thus can be trusted to dish out pointers that actually do the job.
Of course, it also helps that Mr. Ferrugia is a hardgainer himself. All his life, he suffered from low self-esteem brought about by his slender frame. Thus, because of this, he learned all he can about bodybuilding, weight training, and muscle building until he discovered the secrets to how skinny guys like him can build muscle. What you will read when you purchase the e-book is the result of his research. He applied what he learned in the gym and the rest, as they say, is history. In fact, he gained muscle mass in a four short weeks of using the secrets in his workouts.
Now, this review goes on to tell you that hardgainers are really different from guys who build up mass easily. Thus, if you find it hard to put on weight, you really won’t succeed when you follow the regimen of everyone else. You need an exercise program that caters to your genetics and that tackles the needs of thin guys. In fact, the e-book has been touted as the “most effective muscles gaining tips building system” ever made for skinny guys and guys who have a hard time gaining weight.

Another wonderful thing about the e-book  is that it lets you know all the right things that you need to know about gaining weight. Hence, the e-book does not leave you in the dark. It actually opens your eyes to things that you need to be aware of. Here are the facts:Muscles secret

    When you train like a bodybuilder, you will definitely lose your chances of actually gaining weight. Bodybuilders just have the genes for muscle building; you don’t.
    You don’t need to pump up your muscles with many repetitions. You will only end up with swollen muscles that disappear after the training.
    Men today just have lower testosterone levels when compared to men 50 years ago. Yes, your male hormone level is way lower because of many factors including food and the type of workout you do. If you keep at it, you won’t build muscle the way you want to.
    You need to include bits of volume training, frequency training, and intensity training in your workout for best results. A little bit of each works wonders.
    You don’t need bodybuilding supplements. They just don’t work.
    Don’t believe the muscle confusion principle that lets your muscles “guess” your next course of action. You need a regimen that is well planned.

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